Creating New Markets

Rodney Franks, Managing Director
Hsin Chong Construction Group Ltd.
Prior to Franks joining Hsin Chong, V-Nee Yeh as Deputy Chairman, had in 2000 started a cultural change programme within the construction division of the Group and introduced the balanced score card system of business performance management. Franks’ mandate was to give the Group a strategy, a blueprint for the future. “I’ve come with the specific purpose of restructuring this business, determining it’s new direction, equipping it with necessary skill set and managing the change process,” says Franks.

Even with Franks’ extensive experience, he saw the need for a third party to come in as a facilitator. “I was a member of the corporate strategy group for Taylor Woodrow plc when Taylor Woodrow Construction carried out it’s restructuring exercise,” says Franks, “so I was familiar with the process. I soon realized, however, that what was required in Hsin Chong would demand a different approach because we were not seeking to reinvent ourselves but to establish a new strategic direction founded upon our core business.”
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Franks interviewed a number of consultants before settling on Hong Kong-based Strategic Thinking Group. “My decision to go with Strategic Thinking Group was based purely and simply on my understanding of their experience and the quality of service they had provided to other clients,” says Franks, “and whether I felt that James (James Haybyrne, CEO of Strategic Thinking Group), who was going to be heading up the exercise, was the sort of person that I could work with.”
“There is no way we could have successfully completed that journey — as James puts it — without a facilitator, because within an organization you’ve got those who are aggressive for change, those that are indifferent to change, and those who are resistant to change. For me the whole intention,” says Franks, “apart from purely getting a strategy, was to get total buy-in from the management team – not just directors, but people from other levels of management within the company. I think that one of the greatest values of the exercise was actually getting that buy-in. It was not easy — there were differing opinions on a number of issues but at the end of the day there was total agreement.”